About Me

I've been working as a menswear designer within the fashion industry and I'm currently studying to be a software developer with _nology.
I took my first steps into coding through an Introduction to Web Development @ Code First Girls in May 2020.

The past few years, impacted by the pandemic have spiked a huge interest in technology for me, seeing the impact in which software can add value and provide tools to enhance every aspect of our lives. I am excited at the prospect of embracing a new challenge, expanding my knowledge and working with the latest technologies to create innovative solutions.

picture of Amie


Amie Edwards
Punk API React App Image

BrewDog Punk API React App

BrewDog Punk API

A React app that interacts with BrewDog's Punk API to fetch data for the application. A user can search and filter their beer selection by a range of properties.

  • React.js
  • API
  • Jest / Enzyme Testing
  • SCSS
  • Mobile first / responsive design

Morse Code Translator

A Morse Code translator, built using an OOP approach in Vanilla JS. Tested and refactored using Jest and a TDD process.

  • Vanilla JS
  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • OOP Programming
  • Mobile first / responsive design
Morse Code Translator Image

Morse Code Translator

Zodiac Memory Game Image

Zodiac Memory Game

Zodiac Memory Game

A browser based matching pairs / memory game. It features a selection of Zodiac signs, for the player to locate all of the matching pairs in the smallest number of moves possible.

  • Vanilla JS
  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • Functional Programming
  • Mobile first / responsive design

Hostile Aliens Game

Hostile Aliens is a simple text only game loosely based on Space Invaders and built using an OOP approach.

  • Vanilla JS
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • OOP Programming
  • Jest Testing
  • Mobile first / responsive design
Hostile Aliens Game Image

Hostile Aliens Game

JS Calculator Image

JS Calculator

JS Calculator

The first JS project as part of the _nology course, tasked with building a calculator. This calculator should accept inputs from a user, perform a range of accurate calculations and will produce an output.

  • Vanilla JS
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Functional Programming
  • Mobile first / responsive design